
Copyright, Trademark, and Patent Information

Copyright, Trademark, and Patent Information


All content and images used on this website are owned or licensed by The Options Clearing Corporation. Unauthorized use is prohibited.

© 2014 - 2024 The Options Clearing Corporation. All rights reserved.


Names, logos, designs, titles, words or phrases in this website may constitute trademarks, service marks, or trade names of The Options Clearing Corporation.

The following are The Options Clearing Corporation’s registered trademarks.  These marks are registered in the U.S. and may also be registered in other countries around the world.

The Options Clearing Corporation®
Options Clearing Corporation®

The Foundation for Secure Markets®
Options Industry Conference®

The Options Industry Council®

A picture containing iconDescription automatically generatedTextDescription automatically generated with low confidenceA picture containing graphics, colorfulness, design

Description automatically generated
Blue text on a black background

Description automatically generated       A black background with blue text

Description automatically generated

The following are some of The Options Clearing Corporation’s pending service marks.


Products and services offered by The Options Clearing Corporation may be covered by one or more patents and pending applications.

  • Distributed Data Storage Framework: US 11,841,859.
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