
OCC May 2024 Monthly Volume Data

June 04, 2024
OCC May 2024 Monthly Volume Data
Contract Volume
  May 2024 Contracts May 2023 Contracts % Change 2024 YTD ADV 2023 YTD ADV % Change
Equity Options 533,727,313 487,524,400 9.5% 24,247,199 22,650,047 7.1%
ETF Options 354,784,739 376,765,302 -5.8% 18,172,355 18,016,642 0.9%
Index Options 84,167,071 80,244,487 4.9% 4,130,029  3,613,522 14.3%
Total Options 972,679,123 944,534,189 3.0% 46,549,583 44,280,211 5.1%
Futures 4,702,730 4,549,352 3.4% 237,454 218,187 8.8%
Total Volume 977,381,853 949,083,541 3.0% 46,787,037 44,498,398 5.1%

Securities Lending
  May 2024 Avg. Daily Loan Value May 2023 Avg. Daily Loan Value % Change May 2024 Total Transactions May 2023 Total Transactions % Change
Market Loan + Hedge Total 158,987,242,467 127,977,137,215 24.2%  240,269  212,269 13.19%

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